Ira and the kids made funny and decorative heart shaped faces with foam stickers and the kids had an absolute blast! Each child got to create their own unique heart shaped face to show in front of the whole class and to take home for their friends and family to see. Ira did a great job explaining all the steps and pieces to the kids and the kids loved doing the project with her. At the end of the project, Ira and Alexis handed out Valentines Day candy and treats for the kids to take home with them which got the kids in an even more ecstatic mood! The Red Apple kids cant wait to have Ira come back and do another wonderful project with them. We appreciate Ira taking the time to spend the loving mood of Valentines Day with the Apple School kids! As always we encourage all parents to come in and spend time with your child in their classroom by doing a project, a lesson about something important to you, or by giving the kids a description of your job and the work you do. Warm wishes, big hugs, and lots of love from the Apple School!