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How we celebrated Passover and Easter at Apple School

By |April 28th, 2017|our news|Comments Off on How we celebrated Passover and Easter at Apple School

Ni Hao! The Apple School is pleased with our wonderful Chinese New Year celebration!

We have had a wonderful past couple of weeks celebrating the wonderful holiday, learning about the culture, and learning the meaning behind the holiday tradition. Our celebrations were filled with creative projects, yummy Chinese food lunch, and our picture day filled with Chinese style clothing and decorations. Our amazing Chinese language and culture teacher Zlata went out of her way to come by the school many, many times to read books for all the kids, explain any questions they had about dragons or significance of colors, and we love her commitment to getting our kids so excited about this holiday! Something about the excitement during this holiday gives the staff and the kids an extra bit of energy around this time of year which means only great moments and tons of fun as we culminate a fantastic and successful Chinese New Year. We wish all of you spectacular families a great year filled with happiness, health, and incredible memories as we will be doing the same here at Apple School!

By |February 23rd, 2017|our news|Comments Off on Ni Hao! The Apple School is pleased with our wonderful Chinese New Year celebration!

Happy Birthday APPLE SCHOOL!!!

The Apple School is proud to announce that we achieved our 2nd Anniversary last week! It has been two complete years since we celebrated our school’s grand opening. In that time we have seen our school grow and accomplish a great deal. We have seen tremendous growth in our school from a physical standpoint with our constantly upgraded play area with new bicycles and slides as well as dozens of new posters lining our facility walls with pictures of parent participation projects and activities. We have also seen beautiful growth within our Apple School doors as our classroom curriculum is continually thriving, our staff is growing in abundance of new opportunities to benefit the children they teach, and the enthusiasm and excitement that the children experience at our school everyday will always be reaching higher and higher levels as that is our number one motivation in making the Apple School what is has become over the past two years. Our community has become closer and stronger to benefit the social aspect of what a school means to kids and our incredible parents have never failed to show us the support that we appreciate in the work that we do. This past April we were honored by the San Fernando Valley Women in Business with the Newcomer of the Year Award. This award highlights the hard work and dedication of the teachers and staff of The Apple School. We pledge to remain committed to the children and parents of The Apple School and strive to build upon the accomplishments and swift progress we have achieved thus far. With your continued support and involvement in our school, we will continue our effort in growing the school into what it has already accomplished in our two years into something even more extraordinary and special in the near future where the main beneficiaries will be the children that we are lucky to teach, nurture, and love every single day. Thank you all as we share in this congratulations together for this 2nd Anniversary of The Apple School and I know that the future will be even brighter as this amazing growth continues!!!

By |June 23rd, 2016|our news|Comments Off on Happy Birthday APPLE SCHOOL!!!


Last year, on our one year anniversary of opening Apple School, many families teamed up and gifted our school a beautiful and fitting apple tree that we planted on our front yard near the flag post. It was such a great and collective effort from our families to bring something so amazing on our one year birthday and Apple School’s goal was to attempt to get the most out of the tree and grow as many apples as the tree possibly could. Today, on June 16th, as we mark our 2nd year anniversary/birthday we finally picked the apples off the tree and were able to get a wonderful selection of delicious and gorgeous looking fruits. In honor of last years wonderful gesture from our parents, we will take the apples that we picked off this morning and cut them into slices that each of our students will be able to eat during snack time to truly unite all of us in the meaning of the Apple tree from year 1 to year 2 of our existence. I thank all of the families that participated in last years giving of the tree to our school and i am so happy to have the entire staff, and children at Apple School partake in a unique moment of all of us taking a bite of something gifted by you, grown by us, and cultivated by all. We look forward to more experiences like these as we grow in our future!

By |June 23rd, 2016|our news|Comments Off on HAPPY BIRTHDAY APPLE SCHOOL!!!

Voting at Apple School was a success!

Voting at Apple School was a success! In honor of the California Primaries, all of the classes at Apple School took to their own important election where they had the tough choice of choosing between their favorite foods. The choices on the ballot where shown through pictures. The first candidate was Hot Dog and the other was Hamburger. After much deliberation throughout all the classes, the kids were given their pencils and asked to circle which they preferred. After much debate and deliberation, the votes where placed into the Ballot Box and counted where the winner was Hamburger by a narrow margin. The kids had a blast being apart of their own voting process and they showed great energy and enthusiasm in practicing this country’s system of choosing the next President of the United States. Thank you parents for participating in yesterdays California Primaries and talking about your voting process with your children as it coincides with our fantastic voting day at Apple School!

Want to see more photos – click here


By |June 9th, 2016|our news|Comments Off on Voting at Apple School was a success!

Happy Passover!

Dear Friends and Families,

With Passover among us, we, the APPLE SCHOOL FAMILY, would like to wish you and your family
A Happy Festival of Freedom, much success, prosperity and happiness.

От всей души поздравляeм  с праздником Песах!!!

Здоровья, гармонии, весеннего настроения и исполнения всех желаний!!!



By |April 23rd, 2016|our news|Comments Off on Happy Passover!

Apple School was awarded !


Dear Parents,

As some of you may be aware, I was nominated for the San Fernando Valley Business Journal, Women in Business Newcomer of the Year award. I truly appreciate the efforts of Sasha Baluka (Elizabeth’s mom) who wrote a letter about me and created the opportunity for this in the first place. I am so pleased to announce that at yesterday’s ceremony I was awarded the winner of this honor! I feel it is so important to take the

time to acknowledge and thank my dearest family, amazing friends, the best teachers, and the Apple School families/community for the support and contributions that you all make that allow for our school to gain such recognition. You are a continuous driving force of positivity and brightness that I am so grateful for everyday.  I strive to continue the success and growth of our wonderful Apple School!

I want to point out how much I love and appreciate my family, friends, and our Apple School staff and community.  In receiving the Women in Business Newcomer of the Year award by the San Fernando Business Journal, I understand that I have received this recognition, along with the kind words of appreciation I receive from passionate families and friends, for the work that I put into making the Apple School the best that it can be everyday. I want to thank my amazing family for being with me every step of the way. I am truly blessed to have a family like I do, incredibly supportive, loving and an inspirational group of people that always motivate me. I am also surrounded by lifelong friends who have always been supportive and brought such laughter and cheer to me throughout my 30 year career in early childcare.

 The Apple School would not be what it is without the tremendous families and many other terrific parents and groups of people that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. They have helped me to manage the Apple School in the most functional and worry free way. This has enabled me to dedicate so much quality time in growing the school into what it has become. The Apple School staff is filled with a collective group of passionate, hard working and creative set of people that truly are responsible for making the school what it is at its core. Our entire staff puts their focused effort and energy into accomplishing the goals and achievements that the Apple School sets for all our incredible children. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to my family, friends, Apple School staff, parents, and community for working as a whole and helping bring this award to our great school. I look at this award as a total effort.  This is not an individual award but rather a tribute to a collective effort. I define it as OURS and I love all of you so deeply for that. Thank you!


By |April 13th, 2016|our news|Comments Off on Apple School was awarded !

A Wonderful and Thankful Happy Birthday to our Apple School !!!!!!

Today, marks the one year anniversary of the Apple School’s opening! As you can probably imagine, this represents a huge accomplishment for our entire staff, our parents, our children, and our community as a whole. We are tremendously excited in the strides we’ve made in growing ourselves from a sparkling seed into a fully grown Apple! Of course this accomplishment could not be done without the full participative support of our community, both parents and children involved. We have the best parent’s any school can ask for. Parent’s who are active participants in not just their own children’s educational futures, but also entire classroom’s as well as the entire school! We would like to thank them for all of their contributions, which came in many different ways, which have helped the Apple School grow and prosper into what it has become today. We would like to extend a sweet and heartfelt thank you for the incredible cards we have been receiving from parents and children as a Happy Birthday to our one year anniversary. They are filled with exquisite and tasteful words which bring instant smiles of happiness to our faces.

By |June 17th, 2015|Apple School Gallery, our news|Comments Off on A Wonderful and Thankful Happy Birthday to our Apple School !!!!!!

Teacher’s Appreciation Week

We close our final day of Teacher’s Appreciation week in spectacular fashion! Our amazing week was capped off today because of the togetherness and graciousnessof our Apple School families who presented us with the most touching Apple Tree. Their apple tree is the true symbol of our Apple School, a growing, beautiful, and patient being standing tall bringing a community of people together in the effort to nature and nurture. This apple tree is more than a gift to our staff; it is the unrivaled example of true love, understanding, and harmony between children, parents, and school. The thought behind doing something of this unique magnitude brought myself to tears and brought our entire staff pure blissful smiles of joy. We are unbelievably blessed to have such an incredible family community who think of such original and perfect ways to share themselves with a part of us. We have had a wondrously magnificent time this entire week as we have been blessed by our Apple School families, and to end the week with the gift of this apple tree is beyond my imagination for pure family/school unity. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, the families of Zachary and Daniella, Sebastian, Nolan, Pauline, Asher and Griffin, Maya R., Tyler, Maya K., Jacob G, Ayden G., Jakob and Lucas B., Lucas K., Lucas S., Elliana, Elijah, Sasha and Nico, and Jacob M., Vivienne. Thank you to these active parents who coordinate together in the effort to create such a communicative and close community. Thank you to families of Rachel, Arina, Michelle, Jacob G., Giselle, Gavin, Maya K., Landon, Pauline, Lawrence, Kathryn for your sweets, snacks, gifts, cards filled with words of kindness, and much more. Dear ALL families, you ALL truly mean so much to our staff and we are so lucky to have such brilliant parents be the other part to our piece of the Apple School puzzle. Thank you, and much love to all of our families this wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!

By |June 2nd, 2015|our news|Comments Off on Teacher’s Appreciation Week

Another great show at the Apple School!

This time the Apple Seeds had their performance debut as they did an absolutely great job! They sang their songs and performed as if they were little professionals. There were lots of smiles, laughs, and warm holiday joy spread by the Apple Seeds to you the parents. Congratulations to the entire Apple Seeds class, as well as the teachers, for a job perfectly done.Click here to see pictures.

By |December 30th, 2014|our news|Comments Off on Another great show at the Apple School!