A big thank you to Lidiya Yermak for coming to Apple School and doing a cooking class with the Red Apples! Lidiya is a professional baker and chef who did her first cooking class with the Red Apples and it was an absolute blast. On the menu was: Candy! Lidiya brought all the ingredients and explained how each one worked when mixed with the others. The ingredients were condensed milk, melted butter, cocoa, and crackers. The kids loved the sensation of getting their hands crunchy and messy while mixing all the ingredients. They loved the realistic feel of breaking down all the ingredients with their bare hands, and then constructed the final result. They topped it off with their choice of frosting. Seeing the focus behind the design for the frosting and how they measured the candy with their hands and on the scales was an incredible mesh of hands on learning, math, and science. They loved it! We look forward to inviting Lida back to see what amazing recipes she will have the Apple School kids put together!( you can check her work on Facebook or Instagram:byyermak). THANK YOU VERY MUCH LIDIYA!!!